I tried to create M&Ms and Maltesers Hagelslag

Creating M&Ms and Maltesers Hagelslag

Sometimes I get an idea in my head and it is not easy to let it go. Recently that idea was that I wanted to try some M&Ms and Maltesers Hagelslag. However, there was one problem. There is no such thing as M&Ms and Maltesers Hagelslag. A normal person would probably let the idea go at this point. Something not existing is usually a pretty good indication that you are not going to be able to obtain it. However, I did not let it go. I decided that if it didn’t exist I was going to create it.

It seemed like it would be a simple thing to do. All I would need is some of the aforementioned chocolaty treats and a hammer. So I popped out to the local shops and…

Hagelslag Step 1

Using the hammer I smash the M&Ms and Maltesers into small pieces. Things got a bit messy at this point. If you are planning to try this yourself I would not recommend doing it while you have the M&Ms and Maltesers on a plate. Not only will bits of chocolate fly off in every direction but you’ll also have to explain to your wife why one of her favourite plates is broken (this may or may not have happened).

After putting the confectionery into individual bags and going to town on them with the hammer I had my Hagelslag.

Hagelslag Step 2

Then it was just a case of spreading butter over the bread, sprinkling my newly created breakfast treat over them and…

Hagelslag Step 3

Ta-da! M&Ms Hagelslag…

M&Ms Hagelslag

…and Maltesers Hagelslag.

Maltesers Hagelslag

I was not disappointed. The results were amazing. The crunch of the M&Ms hard sugary outer shell with the bread (plus their own inner chocolate) was lovely, only slightly beaten by the subtle biscuit-y crunch, chocolate and bread combo of the Malteasers…

And the two together… wow!

M&Ms and Maltesers Hagelslag

I now have a new favorite Dutch-inspired breakfast. If anyone from Mars (the chocolate company, not the planet) is reading this there is a potential goldmine in the Dutch breakfast market just waiting for you.

To everyone else; what do you think? Are you going to try it? What candy/chocolate should I try pulverizing into pieces with a hammer in the name of Dutch breakfast exploration?

For legal reasons I should probably mention that this post is not endorsed by Mars (the company or the planet).


Stuart is an accident prone Englishman who has been living in the Netherlands since 2001. Even his move to the country was an unintentional accident, the result of replying to a cryptic job advertisement he found one day in a local British magazine. Since then he has learned to love the Dutch (so much so that he married one of them) and now calls the country home. He started the blog Invading Holland in 2006 as a place to share his strange stories of language misunderstandings, cultural confusions and his own accident prone nature.

16 Responses

  1. Katherine Doody says:

    crunchie and frozen curly wurly

    • Stuart says:

      Crunchies is a great idea :O. I don’t know how well a Curly Wurly will smash even when frozen but I am willing to give it a go.

  2. Nicolas says:

    i will but not has breakfast but has a snack

  3. There really is no end to your talents! I can take or leave hagelslag but this… whole new ball game…..

  4. Kees-Jan Dijkzeul says:

    May I recommend using a food processor next time? No mess and no angry wife ;-)

  5. Anton says:

    Curly Wurly smashing? Two words: liquid nitrogen. Makes EVERYTHING smasheable ;-)

  6. Ana Paula Waaijenberg says:

    You’ve already indoctrinated me into a Speculoos-monster… Next step: M&M breakfast!

  7. Anton says:

    Price of liquid Nitrogen is not high, but the container is expensive. You should rent a container, and have it filled. Trying to find exact prices. For your entertainment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AYpRMvcBP8

  8. Niki says:

    Oh my. That sounds awesome!

  9. iooryz says:

    Have you tried speculoos? Or just smash some speculaasjes!

  10. Ann Billinghurst says:

    We will have to try this next time we are over, especially the M&Ms

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